Losing weight is tough. I've tried every fad diet over the years. This time I decided I was going to simply eat healthily. But what was healthy? All of the fad dietings had ruined my perception of "healthy" so I called Jenny Craig. I've been following the Jenny Craig program for a few weeks now and I have learned 3 life-changing tips.
Prior to following the Jenny Craig program, I would wake up, get the children ready, and then the day's chaos of never-ending to-do's would begin. I would drop off at school, rush home to conference calls and work, pick up from school, all while homeschooling my daughter. I would often not stop to eat until after I picked up my son in the late afternoon - sometimes I wouldn't eat until dinner. This led to unhealthy choices like fast food meals, eating the crust off of the grilled cheese sandwich that my kids refuse to eat, and then also overeating and snacking at night. Jenny Craig taught me it is important to pause, even on busy mornings, to prepare breakfast for myself. They taught me to wake up and fuel myself for the day by eating a healthy breakfast, having a mid-morning snack, and then an appropriate lunch. Just this small shift has had a huge impact on my eating habits, it has cut down on my cravings and keep me from overeating late at night.
Jenny Craig also taught me it is important to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Prior to Jenny Craig, would skip breakfast and lunch and then eat a large meal at night. Jenny Craig provides me with 3 delicious, chef-crafted meals and 3 planned snacks every day. Eating small portions 6 times per day keeps me fueled, full, and satisfied for the entire day. This also prevents me from craving food, making bad choices, and keeps me on track to meet my weight loss goals.
The last and probably the most important lesson that Jenny Craig has taught me is that I am important. I lost myself in motherhood. I was taking care of kids first, consistently, before taking care of myself. My Jenny Craig Consultant, Norma, always reminds me that taking care of myself is not selfish and self-care is a necessity. I want to be there for my kids and in order for me to be there, I need to healthy and happy. Thankfully, Jenny Craig is there to help me overcome this self-sacrificing mentality and help me find my health and happiness.
My journey with Jenny Craig has been one of the best things I have done for myself. Please continue to follow my story, I will be posting updates weekly.
You can read my past Jenny Craig articles here:
- Week 1 - Read about my why and why I chose Jenny Craig.
- Week 2 - Read about my Jenny Craig DNA Weightloss Kit results.
- Week 3 - Read all about the Jenny Craig food.
- Week 4 - Read all about my Jenny Craig Consultant and support.
This post was sponsored by Jenny Craig but the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.