Every week I can guarantee at least 1 thing. And that is that at 3:30 PM on Wednesdays Norma will be calling me.
Norma is my personal Jenny Craig consultant. She is my go-to person with any questions and more than that she helps me navigate through the Jenny Craig program and through my own, personal weightloss journey. She shares my successes, she helps me overcome roadblocks (both tangible and mental), and she sets me up for success for the next week. Every week I can count on her and her positivity.
"Yay! You are doing awesome!"
"I love how you think ahead."
"Remember, you have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of your kids!"
"And tell me, how did that make you feel?"
"Are you proud of yourself? I am proud of you!'
Now Norma will do the typical things like order my meals, make sure I have what I need and explain the program. But she does so much more. Norma, and all Jenny Craig consultants, provide tailored one-on-one support. Norma makes sure that I am feeling well as I lose weight. She helps me identify and troubleshoot any issues or roadblocks I come across. And because weight loss can be a mental challenge, she helps me sort out my feelings as well.
She helps me plan for the upcoming week by looking through my calendar and identifying challenges. Will I be traveling? Will I have a party to go to? Will there be donuts at a meeting? Norma helps me come up with a game plan for these challenges so I walk in prepared.
Every call Norma reminds me of my why and gets me pumped up for the upcoming week on Jenny Craig.
Norma keeps my weight loss journey on track. And everyone on the Jenny Craig program gets a Norma. Her name may be different but she will provide the same level of support. Plus, Jenny Craig consultants get it because most of them have been through the program themselves.
If you're looking to lose weight and would like to have a Norma on your side, I suggest checking out Jenny Craig.
You can read my past Jenny Craig articles here:
- Week 1 - Read about my why and why I chose Jenny Craig.
- Week 2 - Read about my Jenny Craig DNA Weightloss Kit results.
- Week 3 - Read all about the food on the Jenny Craig program.
This post was sponsored by Jenny Craig but the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.