
Top 5 Books for Bedtime

By Kelly Pramberger, Publisher Mom, Macaroni Kid Springfield August 3, 2017

Mr. Macaroni and I have been reading to our son since the first time we met him in Guatemala over eight years ago. I remember carefully selecting a couple of books to take with us on our first visit trip. I'll never forget how he looked up at us with those big beautiful brown eyes as we started the first story that night in the hotel.

We began the tradition of reading three books before bedtime once the adoption was final and he came home to us several months after that first trip. One book was always the classic Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, the other was a prayer book and the last selection changed each evening.

Our collection has grown over the years but the ritual has pretty much stayed the same. Reading together! I wanted to share with you our top picks for storytime at night!

1. Goodnight Moon - This has been a longtime favorite story in our house. It has gentle words and soothing pictures that make it a perfect end of the day tale.

2. Fox in Socks - We have almost every book by Springfield's own Dr. Seuss. Our collections spills over from one row to the next on my son's bookshelf. My husband and I love to have contests to see who can get through this book without messing up the words! It's going to get those giggles out before bed for sure!

3. Silly Billy - Such a perfect story of a little boy who has many worries and how the Guatemalan worry dolls given to him help out before bed. This is a perfect story for when your kids might not want to chat about what's on their minds and can help ease your little one's fears and anxious thoughts.

4. Skippyjon Jones - I don't remember how I first found out about the Skippyjon Jones books but I'm so grateful to have these sweet stories around our home. It's another fun collection that is sure to get the sillies out before falling asleep. I love the imagination of the main character and how the author has Spanish words woven throughout!

5. Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep - This gem was found at a tag sale and it's truly the loveliest story. I always get a little weepy when my son asks me to read it to him like I did when he was smaller. We have since bought it a few times to give as shower gifts for new cousins! The illustrations are beautiful and it's great to see how the little brother and sister bunny help each other out at bedtime!

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